‘Les Grands Ensembles’, by Pierre Huyghe
This video shows the reconstruction of an urban landscape in the late 1970s. In constant twilight, two towers converse in a strange code through the light from their windows, produced by the winking of television monitors.
Sorry about the quality, but be sure to watch through the end of the video.
Check these works by Kelly Mark and Nikki Koole.
2000 brodno
pawel althamer
erg prettig, rooie!
een lekker associatiebogenfestijn is hier gaande bij piet
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kenichi Matsumoto, LoudDelicious. LoudDelicious said: Pierre Huyghe | pietmondriaan.com: les grands ensembles http://t.co/SeHMEHC (@Dailymotion) via http://t.co/3OuZj… http://bit.ly/gjuuGI […]
[…] Pierre Huyghe | pietmondriaan.com les grands ensembles http://t.co/SeHMEHC (@Dailymotion) via http://t.co/3OuZjPW "reconstruction of an urban landscape in the late 1970s." (tags: via:packrati.us) […]