Victor Pasmore’s ‘Apollo Pavilion’ (1969) in Peterlee, England.
Tag Archives: community
Melle Smets & Joost van Onna
‘Turtle 1‘ (2013) a project by Melle Smets & Joost van Onna.
In Ghana 200,000 artisans, in 12,000 workshops, stores and factories are working round the clock to repair, adjust and re-invent European scrap yard cars. Melle Smets and Joost van Onna traveled there to build an African concept car out of discarded car parts, in collaboration with the local community.
Warren Neidich
Warren Neidich, ‘Book exchange’ (2010)
Neidich designed this rotating book shelf to hold all the books Sarah Palin supposedly wanted censored from her local library in Wasilla Alaska. All these books were bought off the internet and placed on the shelf. The members of the community were sent an invite to come to the gallery carrying a red book which they were asked to exchange for one of the shelved books. When all the books have been exchanged for and the work becomes a red monochrome the work is completed.
Jens Haaning
Jens Haaning, ‘Turkish Mercedes’ (1996)
A Mercedes Benz with Turkish license plates and loudspeakers on the roof, broadcasting jokes in Turkish in Kreutzberg, Berlin, an area dominated by Turkish immigrants.
Michael Crowe & Lenka Clayton
‘Mysterious Letters‘, by Michael Crowe and Lenka Clayton, is a large scale writing project with the goal of sending a letter to everyone in the world.
In November 2009, 620 letters were sent to each home in Polish Hill, Pittsburgh, USA.