Carlito Carvalhosa, ‘Precaucao de contato’ at Gallery Nara Roesler Sao Paulo (2014)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, architecture, beams, brasilian, Carlito Carvalhosa, collection, DIY, fuckem, gallery, holes, hung, installation, jamming, opening, piercing, sculpture, space, the wild, through, trees, trunks, violent, walls

Bruce Nauman, ‘Green Light Corridor’ (1970)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, american, architecture, body, bruce nauman, contact, corridor, DIY, fluorescent, green, human, light, narrow, performance, physical, relational aesthetics, romance, scale, strip, touch, tubelights, tubes, unknown, USA, wall, walls

Horace Pippin, ‘Harmonizing’ (1944)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged african, afro-american, american, architecture, black, cartoon, class, conversation, corner, culture, fence, fuckem, gathering, group, Horace Pippin, house, life, men, naive, outside, painting, public space, racial, romance, segregation, slavery, social, street, street view, struggles, wall, wood

Koenraad Dedobbeleer, ‘Too Easy and Somehow Not Very Taut’ (2014)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged assemblage, belgium, brown, chairs, collection, design, DIY, elegance, found, fuckem, furniture, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, non-function, sculpture, seating, seats, trash, wood

Job Koelewijn, ‘Untitled (Lemniscaat)’ (2006)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged amsterdam, architecture, books, case, collection, design, forever, infinity, job koelewijn, knowledge, letters, literature, mental, movement, netherlands, romance, rounded, sculpture, shelf, space, spiral, text, unknown

‘London Chair’ (2012) by David Rickard.
Wooden chair, modified to align vertically for London while located in Berlin
By sk
Posted in Composition
Also tagged align, berlin, chair, David Rickard, DIY, horizon, horizontal, london, modify, muur, sit, vertical, wall

‘Prototype for Revolving Vane’ (1967-’68) by Charlotte Posenenske
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged abstract, architecture, Charlotte Posenenske, closed, DIY, fuckem, house, installation, opened, prototype, revolving, room, sculpture, small, space, structure, unknown, vane, wall

Tomás Dzadon, ‘Carpenter’s joint’ (2006)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged carpenter's joint, craftsmanship, cupboards, DIY, furniture, linked, links, sculpture, tomas dzadon, two, unify

Timm Ulrichs, ‘Der erste sitzende Stuhl (nach langem Stehen sich zur Ruhe setzend)’ (1970)
Transl.: ‘The first chair sitting down (relaxing after standing for a long time)’
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged chair, DIY, fuckem, fun, germany, joke, lazy, personification, relaxing, sculpture, sitting, text, timm ulrichs, tired, unknown, white