Tag Archives: marcel broodthaers

Marcel Broodthaers

1969 Minuit, Mar­cel Broodthaers

Marcel Broodthaers, ‘Minuit’ (1969)

Part of a series enti­tled ‘Indus­trial Poems,’ ‘Minuit’ is made of a ther­mally shaped plas­tic sheet, making it pos­si­ble to repro­duce infinite copies of the same thing.

Marcel Broodthaers

Broodthaers Decor XIXth install 02

Broodthaers Decor XIXth install 01

Broodthaers Decor XIXth install 04

Broodthaers Decor XIXth install 03

Marcel Broodthaers, ‘Décor: A Conquest’ (2013)

Installation at Michael Werner Gallery, London.

Marcel Broodthaers

Broodthaers - pot avec photo noir et blanc-autoportrait- 1967

Marcel Broodthaers, ‘Pot avec photo noir et blanc (autoportrait)’ (1967)

Marcel Broodthaers




 Marcel Broodthaers, ‘Musée de l’art Moderne, Départment des Aigles’ (1968)

In 1968, the Belgian artist Marcel Broodthaers created an installation in his house that he entitled the Musée de l’Art Moderne, Départment des Aigles, or Museum of Modern Art, Department of Eagles. This was a fictive entity in that the museum had neither a permanent building nor a collection; nonetheless, it was elaborated by Broodthaers in about a dozen further installations. Evidence of the museum’s existence (apart from its title) ultimately encompassed specially created objects, films, and art reproductions as well as ephemera such as wall labels and signage.

Marcel Broodthaers

Carte du Monde Poétique«, 1968 by Marcel Broodthaers

Carte du monde poétique, by Marcel Broodthaers