‘An architectural fantasy’ (ca. 1663) by Jan van der Heyden
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged arch , architectural fantasy , architecture , baroque , beggar , buildings , cityscape , classic , collage , culture , distance , dogs , dutch , environment , gothic , horizon , Jan van der Heyden , nature , painting , people , precision , romance , rosette , ruins , spires , the wild , time , triumphal , unknown , urban , walking , wall
Raluca Croitoru , ‘THE EYES OF NICOLAE BOTGROS’ (2013)
A series documenting the world that Nicolae Botgros sees through his poster eyes. The artist placed the camera viewfinder on his eyes and shot 36 consecutive frames.
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action , DIY , eyes , folk singer , fuckem , fun , light , nicolae botgros , photograph , poster , raluca croitoru , repetition , romania , series , sky , street view , the wild , unknown , world
David Shrigley , ‘Imagine the green is red’
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action , change , creation , David Shrigley , DIY , fuckem , fun , grass , green , installation , intervention , lawn , nature , performance , photograph , public space , red , romance , sign , text , unknown
E arle Brown , ‘December 1952’
music score
By dd
Posted in Abstraction , Composition
Also tagged 1952 , abstract , action , code , december , drawing , earle brown , fun , instruments , interpretation , lines , music , music score , notation , performance , romance , video , what's in a name
Kostis Velonis , ‘My best holidays’ (2002)
Wood, plywood, veneer, printing
By dd
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged cabinet , DIY , fake , fuckem , fun , holidays , holidaze , installation , kostis velonis , modest , nature , palm tree , photo , poster , sculpture , static , traveling , wood
Giorgio de Chirico , ‘Delights of the poet’ (1913)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged abstract , ambiguous , architecture , canvas , clock , columns , delight , dream , fantasy , giorgio de chirico , hallucination , landscape , muur , painting , poet , pool , romance , sky , surrealist , yellow
Jack Falanga , Untitled (Fireworks) (Ongoing)
Jack Falanga will participate in ‘WHAT’S THE POINT OF GIVING YOU ANY MORE ARTWORKS? ‘ !
By mh
Posted in Piet
Also tagged action , black , blog , DIY , Falanga , fireworks , fuckem , Jack Falanga , joke , light , New York , performance , print , sky , street view , unknown , WHAT'S THE POINT OF GIVING YOU ANY MORE ARTWORKS?