‘London Chair’ (2012) by David Rickard.
Wooden chair, modified to align vertically for London while located in Berlin
By sk
Posted in Composition
Also tagged align, berlin, chair, David Rickard, DIY, horizon, london, modify, muur, sit, vertical, wall, wooden

Jon Moscow, ‘Without Title 5’ (2007)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, balance, DIY, fuckem, fun, goldsmiths, joke, jon moscow, light, old, plank, sausage, sculpture, trash, uk, unknown

Roeland Tweelinckx, ‘Willful paving’ (2012)
five times 3.5 x 20 x 20 cm / five pavement stones, cement and glue & environment
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, animism, architecture, belgium, dimensions, dream, found, fuckem, fun, installation, light, mechanical sculpture, nature, pavement, peel, Roeland Tweelinckx, stones, street view, vertical

Cézary Bodzianowski, ‘Giro d’italia’ (2007)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, bicycle, cezary bodzianowski, close, DIY, down, found, funny, giro d'italia. wheel, installation, lay, lock, Marcel Duchamp, pillar, sculpture, stool, unknown, wheel