Cory Arcangel, ‘GAO’ (2013). ASCII modified press release on e-flux.
The letter “W” was omitted from the entire press release. It was learned that many computer keyboards in the White House are missing the letter “W” which is President Bush’s middle initial. He is often known by that alone. Apparently they were removed by staff of former president Clinton.
By sk
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged bush, Clinton, Cory Arcangel, e-flux, gao, intervention, press release, remove, text, W, white house

Stills from the video ‘God bless America’ (2002) by Tadasu Takamine.
Tadasu Takamine and his lovely assistant shared a room with a huge clay face for eighteen consecutive days. Before the eye of the camera, they ate, slept, read, had sex and made continuous changes to the face, animating it to keep time with a scratchy, halting recording of the American patriotic classic “God Bless America”.
By sk
Posted in Composition
Also tagged America, animation, camera, eat, god, god bless america, head, red, room, sex, sleep, Tadasu Takamine, video, wall