Indian farmers threshing the harvested wheat in a village in the province of Rajasthan.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, chaos, complexity, DIY, documentary, farmers, flying, found, India, labor, life, performance, photograph, press, rajasthan, romance, the wild, threshing, unknown, village, wheat

Matias Faldbakken, ‘Magazine picture n0. 5’ (2007)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, black, concert, detail, devil, DIY, festival, found, fuckem, fun, gesture, hands, magazine, Matias Faldbakken, metal, music, norway, performance, picture, print, rock, romance, scan, sign, sky, the wild, unknown, white

Philip Janssens, ‘No title (Open Windows)’
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, architecture, belgium, breathe, DIY, exterior, feeling, inside, installation, interior, light, open, outside, Philip Janssens, romance, seeing, space, unknown, windows

Özlem Altin, ‘No Story, No’ (2015)
Lightbox installation for Witte de With CCA, Rotterdam.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged archive, assemblage, black, body, collection, DIY, fake, found, germany, gestures, glove, hands, house, lightbox, performance, photography, prints, real, romance, rug, stick, touch, trash, unknown, white, Witte de With, Özlem Altin

‘Smoke Cloud’ by Peter de Cupere.

Thomas Rentmeister, untitled (2013)
Chicken wire and Nutella.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged blob, brown, chaos, chicken wire, chocolate paste, collection, DIY, form, found, fuckem, fun, germany, gray, grey, installation, joke, mass, matter, mesh, mess, metal, natural, poop, sculpture, shit, sweet, the wild, Thomas Rentmeister, trash, unknown, volume

Etienne-Jules Marey, from the series ‘Mouvements de l’air’ (Movements of air)
In 1901, the French scientist, physiologist and chronophotographer built a smoke machine with 58 smoke trails, in order to study movements of air.
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged 1900, DIY, force, French, invisible, light, movement, nature, photographs, physiology, romance, science, smoke machine, study

‘La Pièce’ (1971), by Ger van Elk.
In 1971, Van Elk lacquered a small block of wood (7 x 9,5 cm) white, while on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, just West of Iceland, in the purest air in the world. It was exhibited in the group show ‘Sonsbeeck buiten de perken’. Van Elk considered it a “European answer” to the megalomaniac artworks that American artists like Richard Serra and Robert Smithson were showing there.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, amsterdam, art history, atlantic ocean, blank, block, clean, conceptualism, decomment, devoid, DIY, environment, europe, fuckem, ger van elk, gesture, idea, la pièce, large scale, megalomaniac, minimalism, netherlands, object, performance, pure, red, richard serra, Robert smithson, romance, sculpture, small, sonsbeeck buiten de perken, thought, unknown, velvet, vitrine, white, wood

‘PET-Flasche’ (2008) by Tue Greenfort.
“Producing 1 kilogram of PET plastic requires 17,5 kilograms of water and results in air emissions of 40 grams of hydrocarbons, 25 grams of sulphur oxides, 18 grams of carbon Monoxide, 20 grams dioxide. In terms of water use alone, much more is consumed in making the bottles than will ever go into them.”

Nuno Vicente,’Objet Mainteneur de Mouvements’ (‘Object for keeping movement’) (2011)
A bicycle attached to a box containing a dead butterfly. Whilst pedaling air passes through the box, moving the butterfly´s wings as if it were flying.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, bicycle, dead butterfly, death, DIY, flapping, found, insect, life, nature, nuno vicente, object for keeping movement, objet mainteneur de mouvements, performance, the wild, wings
Ger van Elk
‘La Pièce’ (1971), by Ger van Elk.
In 1971, Van Elk lacquered a small block of wood (7 x 9,5 cm) white, while on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, just West of Iceland, in the purest air in the world. It was exhibited in the group show ‘Sonsbeeck buiten de perken’. Van Elk considered it a “European answer” to the megalomaniac artworks that American artists like Richard Serra and Robert Smithson were showing there.